NAEA章程修正案 &

During its September 22 board meeting, NAEA董事会投票提出章程修正案,取消NAEA与州附属机构的双重会员资格,并引入州分会模式. 他们还提出了一项修正案,取消对所有NAEA成员和助理的30小时CE要求. These amendments have been presented to members to vote December 1 – 15, 2023.

Review the bylaws amendments:  

IMPORTANT NOTE: These amendments are being presented and voted on 分别.

For example: if the amendments to create chapters pass, but the one to remove the dual membership doesn’t, 那么第四条有关双重成员资格的章程规定将继续有效. 这就是为什么它们是按问题提出的,只有在提交的章程条款中修订的与该问题有关的项目.

提议的修改不以彼此为条件,成员国可以投票通过所有修改, 没有一个, or a combination of these amendments. 

A Special Message From NAEA President Leachmoore, EA


View the updated 常见问题解答s on NAEA’s Bylaws Amendments on the slideshow below.





December 11, 2023 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM EDT

Proposed Chapter and Affiliate Structures

了解更多, 请参阅以下介绍拟议的新章节和附属结构的介绍. 请注意:这些是草稿形式,可能会根据成员的反馈进行更改, 新兴的信息, and outcomes of board decisions.

Timeline of Proposed Changes

治理 + Bylaws Changes Timeline (Website)

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be any continuing education requirements for NAEA members?

NAEA成员如果是活跃的注册代理人,仍然需要满足国税局的继续教育要求. 他们仍然会 需要 得到 72小时 每三年修一门专业教育课程,每年最少修16学时,每年修两个道德学分.  


  • The current affiliate structure is not working in many areas.  
  • It’s been difficult to recruit new volunteer leaders, an essential part of the current affiliate structure.  
  • 州附属机构的成员参与度、成员服务和成员价值差异很大.  
  • We need to adapt to the changing needs and interests of our members.  
  • People want choices and options that best meet their needs. 他们不想为没有价值或不感兴趣的东西付费.  
  • Member numbers have been steadily falling for many years, 我们需要消除加入各州和NAEA的障碍.  
  • 为不生活在活跃的附属地区的成员提供额外的参与机会.  

What is a state affiliate?

  • State affiliates will continue to operate as they do now, 但NAEA成员将不再被要求成为州附属机构的成员,除非他们选择这样做. 州附属机构可能需要进行章程修改,以取消其章程中的双重会员要求. 一个州附属机构将保持其独立的公司,并继续受所有非营利性法律和报告条例的约束.州附属机构也将继续与NAEA保持特许关系,并将继续与NAEA合作,支持所有成员. 国家附属机构将负责所有行政和业务职能.


  • 附属公司将解散其目前的公司,成为NAEA的一个组成部分. This eliminates the need for a separate governance structure.  
  • There will be no separate chapter dues.
  • The chapter is funded by the affiliate’s reserves, 事件净利, and the annual NAEA budget.
  • There would be no dual membership, 但是,除非成员选择加入不同的章节,否则成员将根据地理区域成为该章节的成员.  
  • NAEA would provide all operational, 行政, 以及支持服务,这样州/地方的努力就可以集中在成员参与和成员服务上. 委员会、规划和参与将由当地志愿者领导,并由NAEA提供支持.
  • The chapter will not need bylaws or a board of directors. 当地领导委员会或项目/特殊利益小组委员会将推动成员参与.  
  • The chapter would not need to maintain IRS CE approval, 一个网站, 一个数据库, marketing/communications software, or 需要 to file tax returns.  

What is a special interest group (SIG)?

  • Virtual ‘meeting place’ for members on a particular topic (e.g., digital assets, energy credits, new EAs to the profession)  
  • SIGs do not have to be in a geographic region; they can span the whole NAEA membership.  

Will there be a dues increase for all members?

  • There will be no increase in the first year beyond the regular annual increase. 未来可能会有名义上的增长,以支持更多的会员计划和活动. 会费每年由NAEA董事会通过年度预算程序确定.


我们努力建立一个NAEA结构,使所有成员都能得到更多的服务, 更有效地, and with more engagement than the current structure can deliver. After years of declining membership, NAEA董事会于2022年创建了组件结构工作组,以:   

  • 确定是否存在导致会员流失的结构或治理问题.  
  • 评估NAEA的会员要求,以确定潜在的进入障碍和会员保留风险.  
  • 探索并推荐潜在的治理模式,以鼓励会员增长,并在各个层面上改善会员服务和参与度, as well as provide a sustainable model for long-term growth.  
  • Find ways to serve members in unaffiliated states or foreign countries.  

 The Task Force has identified these barriers to entry and retention risks:

  • The annual 30-hour CE requirement to maintain NAEA membership.  
  • The dual membership requirement between NAEA and the state affiliates.  
  • 州和地方各级成员服务和参与的不一致.  

 What recommendations were presented to the board?  

  • The elimination of the annual 30-hour CE requirement.
  • Removing the dual NAEA/state membership requirement.
  • 采取三管齐下的方式进行结构改革,以满足所有附属和非附属成员的各种需求:
    • Support independent affiliates.
    • 建立NAEA分会.
    • Create special interest or geographic groups (SIG) as new communities of NAEA.

5月19日, 2023年的会议, 董事会投票决定将这些拟议的修正案提交章程和治理委员会. These amendments were approved to be sent to the members at the Sept. 22, 2023 董事会 meeting.

Component Structure Task Force

椅子: Gary Anspach, EA 

 副主席: David Tolleth, EA 


Terry Durkin, EA
Lonnie Gary, EA
Lynn Jacobs, EA
Bob Kerr, EA
Michelle Lonsway, EA
Jill Ping, EA


我们创造了一个新的 discussion thread on the NAEA Member Web Board to provide a place for members to share feedback, 问问题, and converse about the proposed bylaws changes.  我们也有 scheduled a series of town hall meetings 让您了解更多关于为什么这些变化被推荐,以及这将如何影响您的会员资格.